Why Become A Member Of Louisiana AGC
Legislative Involvement
Tax & Fiscal Affairs
Informational Services
Political Action
- Through the Louisiana AGC Construction Industry PAC, LAGC works to keep the construction industry from being over-regulated and burdened.
- Through active involvement in the electoral process, Louisiana AGC helps to ensure a Legislature composed of free enterprise, business-minded elected officials. AGC members are involved at all levels of the political process, and AGC has an extensive grass-roots network for one-on-one contact with legislators.
- Louisiana AGC’s Judicial PAC carries AGC’s involvement into the judicial arena, with the same free enterprise philosophy.
Legal Involvement In Industry-Wide Concerns
- Louisiana AGC, through its Special Legal Fund, has had great success in litigating industry-wide matters of concern to its membership. Some instances in which AGC has taken legal action include an illegally imposed set-aside program by the State of Louisiana and various local governments, illegal sales tax assessments on subcontracts, an unlawful local prevailing wage ordinance, and imposition of damages on a contractor for an accident which occurred outside the scope of his contract.
Construction Education
- Statewide seminars held on timely, relevant topics
- Ongoing scholarships and assistance with construction technology programs at the major Louisiana universities.
- LAGC staff representatives play an active role in AGC Student Chapter activities
- LAGC staff members serve on the American Council for Construction education
- LAGC and its members play a major support role in the development of future construction leaders.
- LAGC was the lead association in the creation of the Contractors’ Educational Trust Fund (CETF), through the state Licensing Board for Contractors, which established million-dollar endowed chairs in the construction departments at LSU, LA Tech, and ULM. LAGC offers Contractors’ Educational Trust Fund (CETF) its technical and managerial expertise whenever called upon.
- Allows members access to several member services and up-to-date news
Louisiana AGC provides its members with informative publications including:
- Various bulletins emailed to the membership include legislative bulletins project information, and construction division news.
- Annual report accounts for its accomplishments throughout the year.
- Annual membership directory, which lists all general contractor and associate members and includes a classified listing that details specific services provided.
Media Kit: http://www.naylornetwork.com/webkits/PDFs/lcmr.pdf
Directory Digital Version: http://naylornetwork.com/lcm-directory/rss-freshness.asp
Internet Plan Room
At an additional fee to members the IPR allows users to:
- Search for current projects based on specific products or locations
- View plans, specs, addenda, bidder’s list, and post bid results online, eliminating time consuming trips to the plan room
- Zoom in to any section for a closer look
- Make notes right on the plans
- Track specific projects and be notified of addenda
- Receive instant updates via fax or email of change orders and addenda
- Download documents to your computer and print to any scale
- Print plans/specs in-house (plotter needed – see FW Dodge specials)
- Request access to general contractor’s private construction office with the click of a mouse
- Access complete project information and conduct your activities around-the-clock (24/7) via a browser and the Internet
- Conduct fast, accurate, onscreen takeoffs with free ToolBox software
Public Relations
- National award-winning public relations program that works to increase the recognition of LAGC members, promote a positive image of the construction industry, and take credit for LAGC successes.
- LAGC has gained rapport with the industry-related and local news media as well as with public and elected officials, and will provide its members with individual public relations programs pertaining to a specific construction project in an effort to create good will and understanding while the project is underway.
Networking Opportunities
- Invaluable opportunities for networking and business contacts (local & national level). Through seminars, workshops, quarterly district meeting, annual summer conference, charitable golf tournaments and skeet shoots. These plus monthly/quarterly e-bulletins and membership roster advertising, all off you a choice of networking opportunities.
Affirmative Action/On The Job Training
- Louisiana AGC has the only on-the-job training program that has been approved by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and the Federal Department of Labor to help AGC highway contractors comply with federal and state mandated affirmative action requirements.
- Participation in this program provides training and puts skilled craftsmen into the industry while saving AGC members from time consuming and costly Labor Department EEO Compliance Reviews.
Contract Documents
- Comprehensive collection of standard contract documents for all types of construction available including owner-prime contractor contract, the prime contractor-subcontractor agreement, and every standard contract prevalent in the industry.
Elimination of Special Preferences
- LAGC has fearlessly taken on numerous special preference programs in New Orleans, Shreveport, Lafayette, Baton Rouge and Lake Charles … instituted litigation and PREVAILED IN EVERY INSTANCE.
- LAGC has worked to provide local governing bodies with information on mentor-protégé relationships, and works with the state in providing speakers for MBE/WBE training programs.
Market Development
- Louisiana AGC actively works with local governmental bodies in the development and promotion of millions of dollars in bond and tax issues for infrastructure improvements such as school and library system construction and local road and sewer programs.
Force Account (Public work by public employees)
- LAGC maintains a constant vigil in monitoring construction performed by political bodies, to assure compliance with the state’s Public Bid Law.
- LAGC is the major innovator of provisions of Louisiana’s Public Bid Law, which is thought to be one of the toughest in the country. Being the chief protector of that law, Louisiana AGC is well known by public officials in all parishes. On numerous occasions, Louisiana AGC has been successful in efforts to halt public bid law violations.
Open Shop Services
- Services include training programs, benefit programs, monitoring of the Federal Davis Bacon Act, legislative representation and numerous publications for the membership.
Meetings Facilities Statewide
- Louisiana AGC, at its headquarters in Baton Rouge and its partnerships in the major metropolitan areas of the state, has excellent facilities for meetings of its membership.
- The LAGC headquarters office located in Baton Rouge has meeting space available for the membership to use.
National AGC
- Direct link to the U.S. Congress, regulatory agencies and others in Washington, DC
- Receive bi-weekly newsletter, the monthly Constructor magazine, and up-to-the minute information on federal legislation.
- Ability to serve on national committees, attend the national convention and virtually open your marketing potential to the entire United States.
Summer Conference
- Designed to help our members deal with timely issues of concern to the industry through educational seminars. Also offers networking opportunities